Income & Expenses

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Gas Service Payment Assistance


Medi-Cal is the Medicaid health care program in California. Medi-Cal offers free or low-cost health insurance coverage for eligible, low-income, California residents. (Click here for Medi-Cal eligibility.)

Individuals may apply for Medi-Cal at any time during the year through the Ventura County Human Services Agency. In some cases, applicants may be able to receive coverage right away.

Most Medi-Cal recipients will enroll in and receive care through managed care plans. Managed care plans will determine the primary care providers, facilities, and specialists from which you are entitled to receive care.

Gold Coast Health Plan is the Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan in Ventura County. Once enrolled, you will select a primary care provider through your Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan network. A primary care provider is the doctor you will see for physical exams. These doctors also help authorize services and connect you to specialists you may need.

Electric Service Payment Assistance

Veteran Benefits Assistance

CalFresh (formerly Food Stamps)

State Unemployment Insurance

State Disability Insurance

Social Security Retirement Benefits

Social Security Disability Insurance

General Relief